Monday, August 31, 2009

Tomorrow is September! Can you believe it! It's time to get back to your workout! Let me help you by inviting you to the "FREE KETTLEBELL BOOTCAMP" on September 9th @ Grist Mill Park at 6pm. Classes start for 4 weeks on September 14th every Monday and Thursday. The "Introduction Rate is $160" if you register by September 9th. Call or email me ( see contact info to the right side) to reserve your spot today for the "FREE KETTLEBELL BOOTCAMP! Get ready to Swing!


Juan Bacca RKC said...

Great flyer!!!!
Wish you the best of luck with the KB Bootcamp.

La Saun Taylor, SFG, AFAA-CPT said...

Thanks Juan!

Mark Reifkind said...

La Saun

thank you so much for recognizing just how great Tracy's training methods are!Her training methods truly are revolutionary and I don't know why others really dont
'get it'as much as they should. perhaps it's just too hard, but thank you for the great post.
